Beyond Diagnosis: Your Cancer Healing Journey begins here

Navigating a recent cancer diagnosis can feel overwhelming—I know because I've been there. As a Stage 3 Colon Cancer thriver turned Integrative Cancer Coach, I’m here to guide you toward the missing link in your healing journey—an essential step you can’t afford to overlook if you want to thrive and heal from cancer.

My mission ....

Empowering and uniting individuals affected by cancer to turn FEAR, Grief, and Helplessness into Strength, Hope, and Resilience.

Your body knows how to heal, we just have to help you tap into the inner work and I'm here to guide you with the knowledge I've gained from my personal experience and extensive training. This healing work is not just helpful, it's vital for unlocking your healing and recovery, empowering you to transform your health from the inside out physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Schedule your complimentary 15-minute phone chat today and together we can explore how I can support you towards your unique healing journey.

Remember it's about "Believing the diagnosis, NOT the prognosis". (Deepak Chopra)

Your Next article


October 22nd, 2024
October 24th, 2024
November 1st, 2024
November 16th, 2024
February 27th, 2025


One-on-one Coaching
Complimentary Phone Chat

A complimentary 15 minute session to explore how we can move towards your healing together.

One-on-one Coaching
Initial Strategy Session

This initial strategy session offers a supportive environment to explore your journey towards wellness, providing personalised guidance and strategies to address physical, mental, and emotional needs. Through holistic approaches and supportive therapies, the aim is to empower you with the tools and confidence needed for a resilient healing journey.

One-on-one Coaching
3-Step Cancer Coaching

Unlock personalised support and guidance one step at a time over 3 – one hour consultations with Justine. This will help you to navigate your integrative options and optimise healing and thrive beyond your diagnosis after the initial strategy session together.

Kind Words About

The Natural Bird

The Natural Bird

What I Do

In my natural bird clinic, empowerment and HOPE are the guiding principles that shape every interaction. Here, I believe that each of us possesses the power to enact change and embrace a life of vitality and well-being towards defying the odds.

By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered, "root cause" based approach, I aim to provide a holistic perspective that sees the whole person, not just isolated symptoms. During our time together, I prioritise listening to your health story, delving into the genetic, environmental, physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects that influence your well-being.

Through a functional medicine approach, tailored to your unique needs, we work together to uncover the underlying factors affecting your health and vitality. With honesty and compassion, we address these factors, seeking to promote healing and restore balance on all levels—body, mind, and spirit.

You deserve to feel relieved of the burdens that ail you, to step into a future filled with hope and belief in your body's innate ability to heal. A diagnosis should never define your life; instead, it should serve as a stepping stone towards greater understanding and empowerment.

I invite you to explore your wellness path through one of my offerings, whether it's personalised 1:1 consultations, participation in the "Healing from Within" group coaching programs, or joining the transformative Radical Remission 10-Week workshop. Together, let's kick-start your journey of clarity, empowerment, and renewed hope for a vibrant and fulfilling life.

A diagnosis shouldn't keep you from living your best life.


resources & advice

your cancer healing roadmap

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The Natural Bird

Inspiring Healing Stories

Healing with Love: Ola’s Journey to Overcoming Cancer
Ola's healing story is a testament to the power of trusting ourselves on our healing journeys. Living in Florida, she faced her cancer diagnosis with courage and chose a path that resonated with her heart and spirit. Her journey is a beautiful reminder of the strength we gain when we...
Read More about Healing with Love: Ola’s Journey to Overcoming Cancer
After receiving the devastating news from my surgeon that she was unable to cure me from Stage 3C ovarian cancer I was left with no option but to begin my own journey of healing. You see there is a difference between curing and healing. Curing is the elimination of the...
What I did to HEAL cancer
My healing story featured in the NZ journal of Natural Medicine Magazine in July 2021   Here's the article... “Sorry, but the cancer tumour has spread from your large intestine to the small intestine, ovary, stomach muscle and many surrounding lymph nodes. We expect you probably have around a 15%...
Read More about What I did to HEAL cancer