Beyond Diagnosis: Your Cancer Healing Journey begins here
Navigating a recent cancer diagnosis can feel overwhelming—I know because I've been there. As a Stage 3 Colon Cancer thriver turned Integrative Cancer Coach, I’m here to guide you toward the missing link in your healing journey—an essential step you can’t afford to overlook if you want to thrive and heal from cancer.
My mission ....
Empowering and uniting individuals affected by cancer to turn FEAR, Grief, and Helplessness into Strength, Hope, and Resilience.
Your body knows how to heal, we just have to help you tap into the inner work and I'm here to guide you with the knowledge I've gained from my personal experience and extensive training. This healing work is not just helpful, it's vital for unlocking your healing and recovery, empowering you to transform your health from the inside out physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Schedule your complimentary 15-minute phone chat today and together we can explore how I can support you towards your unique healing journey.
Remember it's about "Believing the diagnosis, NOT the prognosis". (Deepak Chopra)
Your Next article
Dr. Kelly Turners Radical Hope
Natural Medicine Magazine
Empowered Hope
Focus Magazine
Complimentary Phone Chat
A complimentary 15 minute session to explore how we can move towards your healing together.
Initial Strategy Session
This initial strategy session offers a supportive environment to explore your journey towards wellness, providing personalised guidance and strategies to address physical, mental, and emotional needs. Through holistic approaches and supportive therapies, the aim is to empower you with the tools and confidence needed for a resilient healing journey.
3-Step Cancer Coaching
Unlock personalised support and guidance one step at a time over 3 – one hour consultations with Justine. This will help you to navigate your integrative options and optimise healing and thrive beyond your diagnosis after the initial strategy session together.
Kind Words About
The Natural Bird

Leeana - Gore
It’s hard to believe that back in 2020, after having our youngest child, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 bowel cancer. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the emotions of PANIC & FEAR that came from hearing that one “C”word and the possibility of what that could mean for mine and my families future.
It’s been 3 and a half years since my surgery to remove my tumor, and while I’d like to say I haven’t looked back, I’m not fully there yet. I liken it to my own form of PTSD when I have to get scans or bloodwork done but these are the only times I allow myself to open the lid on that shoebox and acknowledge those thoughts for what they are. It’s ok to have moments of fear but I think the biggest lesson that I have learnt from this experience is that it’s not ok to let it take over, nor is that beneficial for one’s body to heal. I’m back living life to its fullest and encourage my children to do the same, something that I am continuously working on.
My last scan came back clear and my oncologist said that he has seen so much growth in me as a person in the time that he has gotten to know me and that I’ve taken advantage of all of the advice plus some that I have been given in regards to exercise and self care and healing.
I can’t take full credit for any of it because I had a support system of people who have helped to get me to where I am today.
Without taking part in the Radical Remission workshops and meeting the fabulous people within the group, I don’t think I would be in the position that I am today. I’m truly thankful to Justine for all of her helpful support and advice along this journey that I continue to travel on. If you get the opportunity to sign up, please do so!
Leeana McKenzie

Sheryl - Weliington
I have no doubt in my mind that the Radical Remission course I did with Justine saved my life.
I was diagnosed in Feb 2020 with stage 4 bowel cancer. I fronted up to my first round of chemo only to be told that I had been designated ‘palliative’ so no options for surgery and limited options for chemo. My first reaction was disbelief, followed quickly by anger, followed by a resounding NO! I demanded a second opinion but it became apparent almost immediately that if I wanted other options I had to find them myself.
My family was in free fall and I felt so alone, so numb.. But still, I was determined to take action and take charge of my health.
Through a support Facebook page I found other people in similar circumstances. It was there that I had incredibly kind people reach out to me and share their research – and it gave me hope. But I was floundering, there were so many options. What was the best thing to do?
The Radical Remission workshop came out just after I started chemo. I was hesitant at first but nervously took the plunge. It was amazing. I immediately felt like I’d found my tribe. In the first week, they listened to my story, and I listened to theirs, and it was such a powerful thing to do. It gave me so much hope. And, as we worked our way through the 10 healing factors, we laughed, and we cried (often), and I learned so much. I gained confidence in understanding what I could do and learnt to trust my instincts.
These factors and these people, my people, have been embedded into my life, and I have been changed in such a positive way. Four years on, and our group is still in regular contact. We support each other through the ups and downs of this journey we call life. My heart is full of gratitude every day.
Our group continued to do the group coaching workshops with Justine & Jenny Kennedy (Intuitive Healer), which were amazing support too and allowed us to continue our healing.
Sheryl F – Wellington

Nicky - Te Awamutu
In 2018, on Waitangi Day, my world turned upside down with an early stage breast cancer diagnosis. Fear gripped me, but amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope emerged through a friend’s recommendation of Justine – The Natural Bird. 🌺
Attending a retreat with the Aratika Cancer Trust opened doors to a new perspective. I found solace in Justine’s journey and decided to embark on my own healing path. Despite setbacks, including recurrence and chemotherapy, I found strength in the Radical Remission Workshop.
Armed with newfound courage, I challenged norms, embraced alternative therapies, and surrounded myself with a supportive team. But my greatest hurdle? Releasing fear—a lifelong companion magnified by the diagnosis. Yet, I persisted, delving deep into holistic healing beyond the physical. 🌿
In 2020, Stage 4 diagnosis shook me, but I remained steadfast in my pursuit of healing. Today, I stand “All clear,” testament to the power of resilience and determination. 💪
Since 2021, I’ve embraced life’s joys: from adopting a furry companion to fulfilling childhood dreams. Birthdays are cherished, each year a testament to gratitude and resilience. 🎂
Nicky Timmo

Kathy - Wellington
News flash – I’m alive and well 💞
In May 2022, I found out my breast cancer was back… 17 years later, I was diagnosed with the same kind (stage 3, triple-negative infiltrating ductal carcinoma).
After 6 doses of horrible chemotherapy and then a double mastectomy, I learned the cancer was gone. But the months of treatment and recovery exploded my entire life and touched lots of people close to me… it was a tumultuous and painful period that triggered a profoundly spiritual crisis within me.
The number 1 most helpful thing for me in navigating the cancer journey again was talking with others living with cancer.
Early on, I was super-grateful to find Justine Laidlaw and her online Radical Remission workshop which deep-dives into Dr Kelly Turner’s book ‘Radical Hope: 10 Key Healing Factors from Exceptional Survivors of Cancer & Other Diseases’.
Each week, Justine shared the latest research about the healing factors so we could support one another and empower ourselves to choose the right healing path for our own situation.
For me, alongside mainstream medicine, I found counseling/talk therapy, nutritional supplements (like Nutrient Rescue) plus energy and somatic healing (Qi Gong and Bodytalk) made the most powerful impact.
Justine’s programme was such a haven for me in the early turmoil and shock of my second cancer diagnosis.
Kathy is always happy to chat to anyone who would like to understand more of her experience with the Radical Remission course. PM If you would like to do that.
Kathy McVey

Amber - Papamoa
In 2023, at age 36, my world came crashing down in an instant when I was told that my breast cancer had returned in my liver.
After undergoing every conventional treatment offered in 2020, I was floored by those words coming out of the oncologist’s mouth.
Then came determination. I thought, no one can tell me how long I’m going to live, especially not someone I met for five minutes.
So, I began my first meeting with the oncologist with the words, “I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m not interested in prognosis or timeframes. What I am interested in is what I can have and how we are going to beat this.”
I went through so many emotions. I then had to figure out how to do that. I’d recently moved to the Bay of Plenty and went into a local health shop one day; the lady I met there told me all about Justine Laidlaw (The Natural Bird), and I instantly knew I had to meet her. I had been given her name for a reason; she was meant to cross my path, and after having a consultation with Justine, I instantly felt hope again. I felt empowered that I could do this; she was living proof right in front of my eyes.
So, I joined Justine’s 10-week Radical Remission workshop. This helped me believe I could heal, and I still believe every day. I continue to heal, I continue to learn, have gratitude, and nurture my body to support it physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
The workshop gave me hope at a time when I was so scared and lost and felt as though I had none. The incredibly inspiring people who were guest speakers sharing their survivor stores and the group I met in this workshop have touched my life forever. This was an absolutely life-changing experience; I truly believe the key healing factors helped get me where I am today. This is such an important part of your journey to healing, too.
I have gratefully had 4 “NED” – no evidence of disease scans since this Radical Remission journey began.
Thank you Justine, i am forever grateful.
Amber Sanders Papamoa

Rebecca - Nelson
I’m three years into my journey with breast cancer. Initially diagnosed at Stage 3, I opted for a natural approach, but eight months later, the cancer metastasised to Stage 4. I thought I was doing everything right, but then I discovered ‘Radical Remission.’
The program opened my eyes to a whole new approach to healing. While I focused on physical factors like exercise and diet, I realised there was so much more to consider – the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. It was a true awakening moment for me.
Joining the course with Justine was a game-changer. With the insightful guest thriver healing stories and weekly learnings, I felt increasingly empowered and connected to my body’s innate ability to heal. What I didn’t expect was the incredible friendships I formed within the group. These bonds became stronger than some I’d held for decades.
There’s a special magic in these courses – a shared resonance, unwavering support, and a ‘you got this!’ attitude. It’s not about cancer; it’s about reclaiming your life and embracing healing possibilities. I’ve fundamentally changed, and I owe it to the Radical Remission Course.
Thank you, Justine for lighting the path to healing. 🧡
Rebecca Hope

Cynthia M - Karamea
I have some very special amazing news to share with you. I have received my scan results and they confirm I am in remission, my beautiful bones have even gone back to looking normal. What an incredible healing journey, and much more to come I’m sure.
Thank you so so much for your love support and encouragement without you and all the amazing ladies I have come together with over this year has helped immensely in my healing ❤ I don’t even know what would have happened if we didn’t cross paths thank you universe!!!!!
SO freaking miraculous it’s been 3 days of WOW I pulled it off!!!! I always knew I would, just had no idea how it would unfold 😅
It goes to show surrounding yourself with amazing radical remissions and positive stories really have had an impact it really helped me believe I could be one of these radical remissions.
Truly a blessing 🙏 so much love to you Justine 🌈
Cynthia Mansfield

Kelly - Tauranga
On January 14, 2020, my world changed with a single diagnosis: breast cancer, possibly spreading to lymph nodes. The news was staggering. In that whirlwind, I sought clarity and control.
Despite the inner doubts and the fear of the unknown, I chose a different path. I opted out of conventional treatments, chemotherapy, and radiation—in favour of natural healing. It wasn’t an easy decision. The “what ifs” echoed in my mind: What if it grows? What if it spreads? What if it takes my life?
Amidst this turmoil, I found solace in the Radical Remission course. Connecting with other women on similar journeys, especially as the world grappled with the COVID-19 pandemic, provided a sense of community and understanding.
I prioritised emotional healing, knowing it was key to my overall well-being. With a healthy lifestyle already in place, I delved deep into clearing the emotional patterns that may have contributed to my illness.
This journey has taught me the importance of living authentically and honouring my body, mind, and spirit. I’ve emerged stronger and more courageous, grateful for the newfound clarity and purpose cancer has brought into my life.
Kelly Cameron – Tauranga

Jude Hall
Your experiences, your knowledge , your wisdom, and the value in bringing us together and creating a safe place for us to learn and to share is invaluable.
I got so much out of this course, so many ‘aha’ moments! I was also able to recognise through sharing how similar our stories are.
It does not matter how far along we are on our healing journey; learning and understanding still take place.
It was a blessing and a joy to connect with like-minded people who were willing to be open and to be honest in sharing and to know that from this comes growth and healing.
Many blessings to you wonderful, beautiful, strong women
With lots of love, laughter, and light, Jude Hall – Tauranga

Maria Poppe
Stepping into Justine and Jenny’s 6-week course in 2023 was like jumping on a journey through uncharted territory. This was not my first rodeo with cancer, but it was clear to me, I knew there was still inner work waiting to be uncovered.
Guiding me through what can be an emotional and confusing time, Justine and Jenny allowed this process of release with grace and compassion and no room for judgment—only a boundless well of support and wisdom.
They are incredibly skilled at what they do, there’s no judgement, just tonnes of support and guidance. Some things can be hard to face and surface when you least expect it, but you can be assured you are in safe hands. They are exceptional with multiple techniques and strategies to help you through. You’re given just the right time and support for a group situation and more 1:1 help us available should you want this. If you’re navigating cancer or know someone who is I can’t recommend their courses enough.
It’s a transformative journey guided by two remarkable souls who are dedicated to lighting the path towards healing and hope.
Maria P – Mount Maunganui.

The Natural Bird
What I Do
In my natural bird clinic, empowerment and HOPE are the guiding principles that shape every interaction. Here, I believe that each of us possesses the power to enact change and embrace a life of vitality and well-being towards defying the odds.
By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered, "root cause" based approach, I aim to provide a holistic perspective that sees the whole person, not just isolated symptoms. During our time together, I prioritise listening to your health story, delving into the genetic, environmental, physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects that influence your well-being.
Through a functional medicine approach, tailored to your unique needs, we work together to uncover the underlying factors affecting your health and vitality. With honesty and compassion, we address these factors, seeking to promote healing and restore balance on all levels—body, mind, and spirit.
You deserve to feel relieved of the burdens that ail you, to step into a future filled with hope and belief in your body's innate ability to heal. A diagnosis should never define your life; instead, it should serve as a stepping stone towards greater understanding and empowerment.
I invite you to explore your wellness path through one of my offerings, whether it's personalised 1:1 consultations, participation in the "Healing from Within" group coaching programs, or joining the transformative Radical Remission 10-Week workshop. Together, let's kick-start your journey of clarity, empowerment, and renewed hope for a vibrant and fulfilling life.
A diagnosis shouldn't keep you from living your best life.
resources & advice
your cancer healing roadmap