Berry Gummies – Good gut health sweet treats

Looking to get more gelatin into your diet but don’t like making bone broth?

Well, I still think you should be making broth, cos it’s jam packed with such great nutrients for your gut. But gummies are a great way to get in some gut-healing nutrients as well as enjoy a fun little treat, that’s if you can control yourself and not eat them all before you leave your house, that is.

I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt here. It’s is a perfect summer treat since it takes advantage of what is in season here: berries! It is also refreshing and not too sweet.

If you are looking for a good source of gelatin, I would suggest getting grass-fed gelatin, like the brand from Gelatin Health NZ which is available at most good health food stores. You can make these in fun gummy molds like cute hearts, but I started out making them in a small baking dish and cutting them into squares.

Your typical store-bought berries are famous for being sprayed with a multitude of nasty pesticides that a healing gut must avoid. For this reason, I highly recommend organic berries. I am trying to eat more food that is grown locally, and as I have said before, it’s easy to do that when you have TWO farmers markets in your city. Yep, those of us in Tauranga/Mount Maunganui are spoiled.

I used frozen organic blueberries but any berries would be fine.


¾ cup lemon juice
1 cup frozen organic blueberries
2 drops liquid Stevia (or 1-2 tbsp honey if you can tolerate it)
¼ cup grass-fed gelatin (I like this brand)


Place lemon juice and berries in a blender and blend on high until completely mixed. Pour into a saucepan.
Add the honey and gelatin and whisk together. You will have a thick paste. Turn the heat on low, and continue to whisk the mixture for 5-10 minutes, until it becomes thin and everything is incorporated. Take off the heat.
Pour into silicone molds or a small glass baking dish. Set in the fridge for at least 1 hour to firm up.
If you used a small baking dish, cut into bite-size squares. Otherwise, remove gummies from their molds and enjoy!

Meet Justine

I’m Justine Laidlaw – Colon Cancer Survivor, Integrative Cancer Coach, Life Coach, Dr. Kelly Turners RADICAL REMISSION workshop facilitator and Thermography Breast Screening technician (Godfrey Integrative Medical Clinic) based in the beautiful Bay of Plenty town of Tauranga in New Zealand. Read More

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