natural therapies
Diagnosis SHOCK – is REAL!
You Need To Know This To Overcome Cancer Something BIG happens when someone receives a cancer diagnosis and I like to call this emotional SHOCK. Although we are mostly not aware of this, it triggers a cascade of powerful thoughts. One of most crucial steps in beginning to reverse cancer...
Frankincense Oil – A natural treatment option for cancer?
Believe it or not, we all contain cancer cells in our bodies.  But with strong immune systems and good health, these cancer cells don’t  have the opportunity to replicate and become an issue for us in the future.  Now,  I know 100% of us would love to prevent cancer cell...
Beating the odds!
I have beaten the odds according to my surgeon. A couple of weeks ago I had a follow up appointment at Tauranga Hospital. This appointment was primarily for me to listen to what my surgeon thought about my latest results given that he wasn’t particularly happy that I chose to refuse...
Is your thyroid to blame?
Is it just me or are we hearing more often than not these days of many people who have thyroid disorders? I would say that at least half of my clients have some kind of under-active thyroid condition that is adversely affecting their energy levels, weight, moods, and digestion. Women are...