Frankincense Oil – A natural treatment option for cancer?


Believe it or not, we all contain cancer cells in our bodies.  But with strong immune systems and good health, these cancer cells don’t  have the opportunity to replicate and become an issue for us in the future.  Now,  I know 100% of us would love to prevent cancer cell growth before it ever turns into an issue.

But it’s important to keep in mind one thing.

Don’t think of preventing cancer as a main goal if you do not currently have cancer.  It’s not healthy either to worry and stress about the “what-if’s” and “could-be’s” of the world.  Sure cancer is a huge reality today, however stress is more of a problem and should be out main focus at reducing.

Recently I had a conversion with a fellow health coach based in Kalgoorlie Australia about the amazing benefits of Frankincense oil for cancer therapy and prevention. I used to use this as part of my healing protocol however like some things in life you just plain forget about taking some things.

So I used to use this oil internally by applying one drop on the roof of my mouth where it’s absorbs into the blood stream efficiently. I have heard that other will put 3 drops into an empty gelatine capsule and down the hatch up to 3 x a day, however for me the taste wasn’t something I enjoyed. I more recently started using it topically but putting 1-2 drops into a tsp of carrier oil (almond oil) and after showering would rub it over my abdomen.

Recommended by Dr. Budwig (especially when it comes to healing from brain tumours), frankincense essential oil is one of the most unbelievably effective natural cancer treatments. And now research trials proving this are filling medical journals. Frankincense has been shown clinically to being a vital treatment for:

  • Brain cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Stomach cancer

How Frankincense Essential Oil Therapy Works

People who have added Boswellia into their healing plan may find themselves experiencing double-benefits from this miracle essential oil.

For many cancer patients, there’s a time when the treatment becomes worse than the cancer itself. It is as this point that quality of life and symptom suppression is the focal point for many diagnosed with this cancer. Debilitating in-and-of itself, these cancer treatment side effects can make having cancer absolutely miserable.

In layman’s terms, frankincense can boost the immune system like no other! Two fundamental ways this is accomplished is by proliferating lymphocytes (white blood cells, which are the body’s primary defense team) and by keeping inflammation at bay (which is arguably the primary risk factor for most chronic diseases). This may also explain why frankincense is so effective in treating autoimmune conditions like bronchial asthma, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis.

Rub frankincense essential oil on your body three times daily in a carrier oil, the souls of your feet are a great spot!

I want to be clear: I am not claiming that what I do is a cancer cure. But I believe these natural therapies, used in conjunction with or without conventional medical treatments, may support the body in the healing process.

In addition, Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) oil has been identified as a possible benefit for cancer treatment-related concerns relieving symptoms in patients. Frankincense may reduce cortisol, the stress hormone, in the body, thereby reducing inflammation and pain. Inflammation may be the root of fatigue, and Frankincense may help.

Other studies include a Boswellia-based cream applied topically that is beneficial in preventing skin damage from radiotherapy in mammary carcinoma. Evidence shows Frankincense to calm and relax the nervous system, relieve exhaustion and ease mental fatigue; treat pain; and reduce anxiety, depression, and stress.

One case study used Frankincense and Lavender essential oils in an inhaler to relax and calm a patient undergoing complex radiation treatments. In another case study, a patient with pancreatic cancer receiving intravenous chemotherapy was experiencing extreme fatigue affecting their quality of life. The patient was instructed to use a 5% dilution of frankincense oil compounded in coconut oil. The patient applied the oil mixture to the feet twice a day, resulting in reduced fatigue and improved energy within 24 hours.

Cancer-Related Fatigue: A Pilot Study Evaluating the Effect of Frankincense Essential Oil in Patients With Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy

Reis et al. (2022) looked at seventy patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer who were randomised to apply frankincense or control oil to their feet twice a day, 2 days before receiving chemotherapy, while receiving chemotherapy, and 2 days after chemotherapy. The topical oil mixture for the experimental group included Frankincense (B. carteri) in a 5% dilution applied to the soles of the feet for chemotherapy-related fatigue. Although the study did not find a difference in fatigue levels, several participants did report relief from their chemotherapy-related neuropathy. Read that article here!

Meet Justine

I’m Justine Laidlaw – Colon Cancer Survivor, Integrative Cancer Coach, Life Coach, Dr. Kelly Turners RADICAL REMISSION workshop facilitator and Thermography Breast Screening technician (Godfrey Integrative Medical Clinic) based in the beautiful Bay of Plenty town of Tauranga in New Zealand. Read More

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