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Today marks exactly two years since I had my surgery for my bowel CANCER.... (be warned it’s a long post...ooops sorry) So in August 2102 I endured a 9 hour surgery for a very aggressive Stage 3 bowel tumour with metastasis to my small intestine, abdominal muscle, right ovary and...
Are tumours really the real problem for CANCER patients?
I'm just getting my teeth into a book I recently purchased which I feel any CANCER patient should consider reading before deciding on what treatment path they should take. As most of you already know I refused to have chemo and radiation for the treatment of my Stage 3 Bowel...
Seedy Bread – Grain FREE
I wish I could post smells onto the website cos this grain free, nut free loaf smells soooo delicious! I make this loaf a couple of times a week so I have something to grab on the run or to have when I get home and I'm starving! It's a fab gap...
What does it mean to be balanced?
Something for us to ponder on as we go into the new year.....2016!!!! What does it mean to be balanced? To me, it means that you have a handle on the various elements in your life and don’t feel that your heart or mind are being pulled too hard in...
Kick- starting my clean eating routine after new years!
Time to kickstart into clean healthy living again today and just quietly I can't wait! I have indulged over the last 10 days with alcohol, sugar, dairy, coffee and wheat......why?? Cos I'm human and I does it make me feel? Tired, grumpy and somewhat unmotivated, my eyes are puffy...
Are you a smoothie chewer or a smoothie slurper?......I am most definitely guilty of what I am about to tell you! When done correctly, smoothies can serve as an excellent breakfast or pre/post workout mini-meal. Unlike juice, smoothies retain the fiber from fruits and veggies. However, there is a bit of...
Zingy raw lemon bliss balls
I must come up with a good name for these... but I can't think of anything catchy. Lemon fat bombs? Zingy Globes? Since they are covered in coconut, I could just call them snowballs. Ah well, I'll think of something. For now, it's fun to see peoples' reactions when I...
RAW boysenberry balls – recipe
How, I love balls. Raw superfood boysenberry balls that is, no getting your other train of thoughts excited PLEASE!! This recipe has only a few ingredients, all of which are super foods in their whole, raw form. I had trouble restraining myself from eating all the mix before I rolled...
Simply good grain free orange & apple muffin recipe
Biting into a Paleo apple muffin is one of the many joys of life, and it’s made sweeter knowing that you’re getting real nutrition from a muffin and not just an indulgence. Made with Paleo flours that add fiber to your day, these apple-infused muffins propel you forward rather than...