Clean eating
Pretty dam good banana pancakes
Waking up with banana pancakes is one pretty dam good way to start your day! Ordinary banana pancake recipes have you dumping white sugar and milk into the batter which is made from all-purpose flour, which can send your blood sugars into a spin. I love simple recipe's and with...
Creamy Mashed Cauliflower
I have a cauliflower explosion in my garden. We've just had copious amounts of rain and high humidity and BOOM the cauliflowers have gone MAD!!! And the crazy thing is my chooks don't want to touch them! I love mashed potatoes, but my gut doesn’t deal with them that well....
Kick- starting my clean eating routine after new years!
Time to kickstart into clean healthy living again today and just quietly I can't wait! I have indulged over the last 10 days with alcohol, sugar, dairy, coffee and wheat......why?? Cos I'm human and I does it make me feel? Tired, grumpy and somewhat unmotivated, my eyes are puffy...
Are you a smoothie chewer or a smoothie slurper?......I am most definitely guilty of what I am about to tell you! When done correctly, smoothies can serve as an excellent breakfast or pre/post workout mini-meal. Unlike juice, smoothies retain the fiber from fruits and veggies. However, there is a bit of...
Go that Green smoothie
This smoothie is the perfect go-to breakfast when you’re mornings are rushed and you need to get out the door. It takes just a couple minutes to throw together in the blender. Pour it into a to-go-cup, add a straw, and your on your way. I don’t particularly like to...
RAW boysenberry balls – recipe
How, I love balls. Raw superfood boysenberry balls that is, no getting your other train of thoughts excited PLEASE!! This recipe has only a few ingredients, all of which are super foods in their whole, raw form. I had trouble restraining myself from eating all the mix before I rolled...
Bone Broth Anyone?
Here's the deal..... bone broth is just plain good for you. You can make it with any animal bones — beef, chicken, lamb, fish, whatever — which you roast and then simmer with vegetables for hours. It's not exactly a new food (grandmothers have been making it for ages), the...
Simply good grain free orange & apple muffin recipe
Biting into a Paleo apple muffin is one of the many joys of life, and it’s made sweeter knowing that you’re getting real nutrition from a muffin and not just an indulgence. Made with Paleo flours that add fiber to your day, these apple-infused muffins propel you forward rather than...
Low carb high fat for this natural bird!
I try to stick to a High Fat - Low Carb way of eating. You could call it Ketogenic, Paleo or Primal, what ever you call it, I know it works for me. I just can't tolerate grains well any more and I reminded myself this over the weekend big...